Fiveways Physiotherapy
              physiotherapists take a multi-factored approach to
              treating hip pain

Your Symptom: Hip Pain

How Fiveways Physiotherapy can help you:

When you see a Fiveways Physiotherapy physiotherapist the first priority will be to identify the cause of your hip pain.

  • Identify what triggered your hip pain
    • Acute injury resulting from a fall, a collision, or from twisting of the hip joint. An acute injury may involve
      • Muscle strain
      • Joint Damage
    • Overuse injury resulting from continuous activity, such as running, jumping, training, or bush walking. overuse injuries develop over time. They are more common than acute injuries. An overuse injury is usually related to one or more factors, such as
      • biomechanical issues related to your individual body style
      • your footwear
      • your technique or running style
      • your training methods
An overuse injury may involve
  • the muscles of your buttocks
  • the band of fibrous tissue down the side of your leg
  • groin pain
  • Identify any underlying cause
    Your Fiveways Physiotherapy physiotherapist will then explore a variety of things that may be contributing to or aggravating the situation.
    • Your pre and post exercise regime
    • Your fitness level
    • Your flexibility
    • Lower body biomechanics/weakness
    • Muscle balance around the hip joint
  • Treat the injury
    Based on the diagnosis and how severe your pain is, your Fiveways Physiotherapy Physiotherapist will suggest a treatment plan and , with your permission, start treatment
    • Mobilisation
    • Strength building exercises
    • Flexibility
  • Advise you on how to prevent a recurrence

Further information about Joint Pain
How to book an appointment